VOLUME 98 (2013) | ISSUE 2 |
Analog of fishtail anomaly in plastically deformed graphene
S. Sergeenkov, F. M. Araujo-Moreira
Grupo de Materiais e Dispositivos, Departamento de F! !sica, Universidade Federal de S ao Carlos, 13565-905 S ao Carlos, SP, Brazil
By introducing a strain rate
generated pseudo-electric field , we discuss a magnetic response of a plastically
deformed graphene. Our results demonstrate the appearance of
dislocation induced paramagnetic moment in a zero applied magnetic
field. More interestingly, it is shown that in the presence of the
magnetoplastic effect, the resulting magnetization exhibits
typical features of the so-called fishtail anomaly. The estimates
of the model parameters suggest quite an optimistic possibility to
experimentally realize the predicted phenomena in plastically
deformed graphene.