Thermodynamics of electron-hole liquids in graphene
L. A. Falkovsky
Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics of the RAS, 119334 Moscow, Russia
Verechagin Institute of the High Pressure Physics of the RAS, 142190 Troitsk, Russia
The impact of Coulomb interactions on the chemical potential,
heat capacity, and
oscillating magnetic moment is studied. The cases of low and high temperatures are
considered. At low temperatures, doped graphene behaves as the common Fermi liquids
with the power temperature laws for thermodynamic properties. However, at high
temperatures and relatively low carrier concentrations, it exhibits the collective electron-holes behavior: the chemical potential tends to its value in the undoped case going with
the temperature to the charge neutrality point. Simultaneously, the electron contribution
into the heat capacity tends to the constant value as in
the case of the Boltzmann statistics.