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VOLUME 99 (2014) | ISSUE 2 | PAGE 81
Coexistence of type-I and type-II band alignment in Ga(Sb,P)/GaP heterostructures with pseudomorphic self-assembled quantum dots
Band alignment of heterostructures with pseudomorphic GaSb1-xPx/GaP self-assembled quantum dots (SAQDs) lying on wetting layer was studied. Coexistence of type-I and type-II band alignment was found within the same heterostructure. Wetting layer has band alignment of type-I with the lowest electronic state belonging to the XXY valley of GaSb1-xPx conduction band, in contrast to SAQDs, which have band alignment of type-II, independently of the ternary alloy composition x. It is shown that type-I - type-II transition is a result of GaP matrix deformation around the SAQD.