Large and tunable negative refractive index via electromagnetically induced chirality in a semiconductor quantum well nanostructure
Sh.-C. Zhao+, Sh.-Y. Zhang, Y.-Y. Xu
Physics Department, Kunming University of Science and Technology,
650500 Kunming, PR China
Large and tunable negative refractive index (NRI) via
electromagnetically induced chirality is
demonstrated in a semiconductor quantum wells (SQWs) nanostructure by using the
reported experimental
parameters in J.F. Dynes et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 157403 (2005).
It is found: the large and controllable NRI with
alterable frequency
regions is obtained when the coupling laser field and the relative phase are
modulated, which
will increase the flexibility and possibility of implementing NRI in the SQWs
nanostructure. The scheme rooted in the
experimental results may lead a new avenue to NRI material in solid-state