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VOLUME 100 (2014) | ISSUE 6 | PAGE 451
Temperature evolution of polar states in GdMn2O5 and Gd0.8Ce0.2Mn2O5
The polar order along the c axis is revealed in GdMn2O5 and Gd0.8Ce0.2Mn2O5 at T\leq T_{C1}\approx 160 K for the first time. This polar order is induced by the charge disproportion in the 2D superstructures emerged due to phase separation. The dynamic state with restricted polar domains of different sizes is found at T > TC1 which is typical of the diffuse ferroelectric phase transition. At the lowest temperatures (T < 40 K) two polar orders of different origins with perpendicular orientations (along the b- and c-axes) coexist. The 1D superlattices studied by us earlier in the set of RMn2O5 multiferroics are the charged domain walls which separate of these polar order domains.