The basic state of two layered heterostructure at high magnetic field
S. V. Iordanski
Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics of the RAS, 142432 Chernogolovka, Russia
It is shown that the electron states in the two layered heterostructure at
high magnetic field
(when it is possible to neglect Coulomb interaction) can be classified by the
energy levels of
the size quantization. We construct the basic electron state when the
electron states with the
lowest energy of the size quantization have the density of the half filled
Ll. That defines the
electron chemical potential and gives the possibility to describe the wave
functions of all electrons including the energy distribution of the two
dimensional part. That gives the
electron distribution consistent with the experimental results S. Luin et al., Phys. Rev. Let. 94, 146804 (2005).