Ultra-hard AlMgB14 coatings fabricated by RF magnetron sputtering from a stoichiometric target
A. M. Grishin+*×, S. I. Khartsev*, J. Böhlmark+, M. Ahlgren+
+AB Sandvik Coromant, SE-126 80 Stockholm, Sweden
*KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SE-164 40 Stockholm-Kista, Sweden
×Petrozavodsk State University, 185910 Petrozavodsk, Russia
For the first time hard aluminium magnesium boride films were
fabricated by RF magnetron
sputtering from a single stoichiometric ceramic AlMgB14 target. Optimized
processing conditions
(substrate temperature, target sputtering power and target-to-substrate distance) enable
fabrication of stoichiometric in-depth compositionally homogeneous films with the peak values
of nanohardness 88 GPa and Young's modulus 517 GPa at the penetration depth of
26 nm and, respectively, 35 and 275 GPa at 200 nm depth in 2 μm thick