VOLUME 100 (2014) | ISSUE 12 |
PAGE 865
IceCube astrophysical neutrinos without a spectral cutoff and 1015 -1017 eV cosmic gamma radiation
O. Kalashev, S. Troitsky
Institute for Nuclear Research of the RAS, 117312 Moscow, Russia
We present a range of unbroken power-law fits to the astrophysical-neutrino
spectrum consistent with the most recent published IceCube data at the
π-mesons, we estimate accompanying gamma-ray fluxes for various
distributions of sources, taking propagation effects into account.
We then briefly discuss existing experimental results constraining PeV to
EeV diffuse gamma-ray flux and their systematic uncertainties. Several
scenarios are marginally consistent both with the KASKADE and CASA-MIA
upper limits at 1015-1016 eV and with the EAS-MSU tentative
detection at eV, given large systematic errors of the
measurements. Future searches for the diffuse gamma-ray background at
sub-PeV to sub-EeV energies just below present upper limits will give a
crucial diagnostic tool for distinguishing between the Galactic and
extragalactic models of the origin of the IceCube events.