Sensitivity of Baikal-GVD neutrino telescope to neutrino emission toward the center of Galactic dark matter halo
A. D. Avrorina, A. V. Avrorina, V. M. Aynutdinova, R. Bannaschg, I. A. Belolaptikovb, D. Yu. Bogorodskyb, V. B. Brudaninb, N. M. Budnevc, I. A. Danilchenkoa, S. V. Demidova, G. V. Domogatskya, A. A. Doroshenkoa, A. N. Dyachokc, Zh.-A. M. Dzhilkibaeva, S. V. Fialkovskye, A. R. Gafarovc, O. N. Gaponenkoa, K. V. Golubkova, T. I. Gressc, Z. Honzb, K. G. Kebkalg, O. G. Kebkalg, K. V. Konischevb, E. N. Konstantinovc, A. V. Korobchenkoc, A. P. Koshechkina, F. K. Koshela, A. V. Kozhind, V. F. Kulepove, D. A. Kuleshova, V. I. Ljashuka, M. B. Milenine, R. A. Mirgazovc, E. R. Osipovad, A. I. Panfilova, L. V. Pan'kovc, A. A. Perevalovc, E. N. Pliskovskyb, M. I. Rozanovf, V. Yu. Rubtzovc, E. V. Rjabovc, B. A. Shaybonovb, A. A. Sheiflera, A. V. Skurihind, A. A. Smaginab, O. V. Suvorovaa 1), B. A. Tarashanskyc, S. A. Yakovlevg, A. V. Zagorodnikovc, V. A. Zhukova, V. L. Zurbanovc
aInstitute for Nuclear Research RAS, 117312 Moscow, Russia
bJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, Russia
cIrkutsk State University, 664003 Irkutsk, Russia
dSkobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics MSU, 119991 Moscow, Russia
eNizhni Novgorod State Technical University, 603005 Nizhni Novgorod, Russia
fSt.Petersburg State Marine University, 199034 St.Petersburg, Russia
gEvoLogics GmbH, 13355 Berlin, Germany
We analyse sensitivity of the gigaton volume telescope
Baikal-GVD for detection of neutrino signal from dark
matter annihilations or decays in the Galactic Center. Expected
bounds on dark matter annihilation cross section and its
lifetime are found for several annihilation/decay channels.