Electronic structure of NaFeAs superconductor: LDA+DMFT calculations compared with ARPES experiment1)
I. A. Nekrasov+ 2), N. S. Pavlov+ 2), M. V. Sadovskii+* 2)
+Institute for Electrophysics UB of the RAS, 620016 Ekaterinburg, Russia
*Mikheev Institute for Metal Physics UB of the RAS, 620290 Ekaterinburg, Russia
We present the results of extended theoretical LDA+DMFT
calculations for
a new iron-pnictide high temperature superconductor NaFeAs compared with the
recent high quality angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) experiments on this
system (see arXiv:1409.1537).
The universal manifestation of correlation effects in iron-pnictides is
of conducting bands near the Fermi level. Our calculations demonstrate that
for NaFeAs
the effective mass is renormalized on average by a factor of the order of 3,
in good agreement with ARPES data. This is essentially due to correlation
on Fe-3d orbitals only and no additional interactions with any kind of
Boson modes,
as suggested in the work mentioned, are necessary to describe the experiment.
Also we show that ARPES data taken at about 160 eV beam energy most probably
corresponds to
kz=π Brillouin zone boundary, while ARPES data measured at about 80 eV
beam energy
rather represents kz=0. Contributions of different Fe-3d orbitals into
spectral function map
are also discussed.