Scaling and asymptotic properties of evaporated neutron inclusive cross sections in high energy hadron-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus interactions
A. S. Galoyan+, A. Ribon*, V. V. Uzhinsky×
+Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, Russia
*Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire, 1211 Genèva, Switzerland
×Laboratory of Information Technologies, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, Russia
New properties of the evaporated neutron (E< 30 MeV) energy spectra in
hadron-nucleus interactions are found
which have not been marked before. Particularly, the spectra approach the
asymptotic regime, namely, they weakly
depend on the collision energy at momenta of projectile protons larger than
5-6 GeV/c; the spectra for various
nuclei are similar, and can be approximately described by the function
An f(E). Experimental data on neutron
spectra in the case of projectile π-mesons show analogous behaviour, but
the statistics of the data do not
allow one to draw clear conclusions. In our analysis we used ITEP
experimental data on inclusive cross sections
of neutrons produced in interactions of π-mesons and protons with various
nuclei in the energy range from
747 MeV up to 8.1 GeV. The observed properties allow one to predict neutron
yields in the nucleus-nucleus
interactions at high and super high energies. Predictions for the NICA/MPD
experiment at JINR are presented.
It is shown that the FTF (Fritiof)-model of the Geant4 toolkit qualitatively reproduces
the observed regularities. For
the first time estimates of the neutron energy flows are obtained at both
RHIC and LHC energies.