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VOLUME 102 (2015) | ISSUE 8 | PAGE 602
The effect of Coulomb correlations on the two-level quantum dot susceptibility and polarization
We revealed that susceptibility and polarization of two-level quantum dot (QD) with Coulomb correlations between localized electrons weakly connected to the reservoirs are not determined only by the stationary electron filling numbers difference. We demonstrated that susceptibility and polarization also depend on high-order correlation functions of electrons localized in the QD. We found that susceptibility and polarization can be controlled by applied bias voltage value, Coulomb correlations strength and Rabi frequency. We demonstrated that susceptibility and polarization amplitudes can significantly increase and even change the sign due to the tuning of the QD parameters. Careful analysis of correlated QD susceptibility, polarization and electron filling numbers (occupancies) difference in a wide range of applied bias voltage, Rabi frequency and Coulomb correlations value was performed in terms of pseudo-operators with constraint.