Electrohydrodynamics of cone-jet flow at high relative dielectric permittivity
A. V. Subbotin+, A. N. Semenov*
+Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis of the RAS, 119991 Moscow, Russia
*Institut Charles Sadron, CNRS-UPR 22, Universite de Strasbourg, BP 84047, 67034 Strasbourg Cedex 2, France
In this paper we propose a new solution of the
electrohydrodynamic equations describing a
novel cone-jet flow structure formed at a conductive liquid
meniscus in an electric field.
Focusing on the liquids characterized by a high relative
dielectric permittivity and using the
slender body approximation, the cone-jet transition
profiles and their characteristic radii are
predicted in relation to the material parameters.
The stable value of the cone angle is obtained
using the Onsager's principle of maximum entropy
production. Three different regimes of the
cone-jet flow behavior are identified depending
on the relative importance of capillary, viscous
and inertial stress contributions. The presented
complete analytical solutions for the cone-jet
transition zone and the far jet region yield
several different laws of algebraic decrease for the
radius, surface charge and electric field of the jet.