First experimental observation of conical effect in Smith-Purcell radiation
G. A. Naumenko+, A. P. Potylitsyn+, D. Yu. Sergeeva*, A. A. Tishchenko*, M. N. Strikhanov*, V. V. Bleko+
+Tomsk Polytechnic University, 634050 Tomsk, Russia
*National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", 115409 Moscow, Russia
The conical effect in Smith-Purcell radiation arising from
electrons moving at non-zero
angle ψ to the direction of grating periodicity has been observed
for the first time. It was found that the maximum of radiation intensity
for shifts in both polar and azimuthal
angles. The experimental and theoretical results were compared, and the
good agreement was shown. The experiment has been performed for 6 MeV
electrons and at millimeter wavelengths