Scaling of differential cross section ratios in inelastic (p, p') reaction with nuclei at 1 GeV
O. V. Miklukho, A. Yu. Kisselev1), G. M. Amalsky, V. A. Andreev, G. E. Gavrilov, D. S. Ilyin, A. A. Izotov, P. V. Kravchenko, D. A. Maysuzenko, V. I. Murzin, A. N. Prokofiev1), A. V. Shvedchikov, S. I. Trush, A. A. Zhdanov
Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute", 188300 Gatchina, Russia
The differential cross sections of the (p, p')
inelastic reaction on nuclei 12C, 28Si,
40Ca, and 56Fe at the initial proton energy of 1 GeV were measured
over a wide range of the scattered proton momenta at a laboratory angle of
Θ=21°. Scattered protons were detected by means of the
magnetic spectrometer equipped with a polarimeter based on multiwire
chambers. Momentum intervals were observed in which the ratios of the
cross sections off the nuclei do not depend on the scattered proton momentum
(i.e., scaling).