Tunable magnetic interaction by an applied electric field in Co-adsorbed SiC monolayer
M. Luo+, Y. E. Xu*, Y. X. Song#
+Department of Physics, Shanghai Second Polytechnic University, 201209 Shanghai, China
*Department of Electronic Engineering, Shang Hai Jian Qiao University, 201306 Shanghai, China
#Key Laboratory of Polar Materials and Devices, East China Normal University, 200241 Shanghai, China
The magnetic properties of Co-adsorbed SiC monolayer under an external electric field
are investigated using first-principles method. In the absence of the electric field, the
interaction between two Co atoms is ferromagnetic, which is originated by the p-d
hybridization between Co and its neighboring C and Si atoms. When an electric field was
introduced along the c-axis, the interaction between two Co dopants switched from ferromagnetic
to antiferromagnetic, which could be dominated by the competition between p-d exchange and
superexchange. Moreover, the magnetic anisotropy prefers to parallel to the a-axis
and it seems not to be turn into the c-axis under the electric field.