Whispering gallery effect in relativistic optics
Y. Abea, K. F. F. Lawa, Ph. Korneevb,c 1), S. Fujiokaa, S. Kojimaa, S.-H. Leea, S. Sakataa, K. Matsuoa, A. Oshimaa, A. Moracea , Y. Arikawaa, A. Yogoa, M. Nakaia, T. Norimatsua, E. d'Humièresd, J. J. Santosd, K. Kondoe, A. Sunaharaf, S. Gus'kovc,b 1), V. Tikhonchukd,g
aInstitute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, 565-0871 Osaka, Japan
bNational Research Nuclear University MEPhI, 115409 Moscow, Russia
cP.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS, 119991, Moscow, Russia
dUniversity of Bordeaux, CNRS, CEA, CELIA, 33405 Talence, France
eNational Institute for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, 263-8555 Chiba, Japan
fPurdue University, 47907 West Lafayette, USA
gELI-Beamlines, Institute of Physics Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 252 41 DolníB re zany, Czech Republic
A relativistic laser pulse, confined
in a cylindrical-like target, under specific conditions
may perform multiple scattering along the
internal target surface. This results in the confinement of the laser
light, leading to a very efficient interaction. The demonstrated
propagation of the laser pulse along the curved surface is just yet
another example of the "whispering gallery" effect,
although nonideal due to laser-plasma coupling. In the relativistic
domain its important feature is a gradual intensity decrease,
leading to changes in the interaction conditions. The proccess may
pronounce itself in plenty of physical phenomena, including very
efficient electron acceleration and generation of relativistic magnetized
plasma structures.