VOLUME 77 (2003) | ISSUE 7 |
PAGE 403
Primordial pairing and binding of superheavy charged particles in the Early Universe
V. K. Dubrovich, M. Yu. Khlopov
Special Astrophysical Observatory RAS, 196140 St.Petersburg, Russia +M. V. Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS, 125047 Moscow, Russia *Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, 115409 Moscow, Russia Physics Department, Universita' degli studi "La Sapienza", I 00185 Roma, Italy
Primordial superheavy particles, considered as the source of
Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) and produced in local processes in the
early Universe, should bear some strictly or approximately
conserved charge to be sufficiently stable to survive to the present time.
Charge conservation makes them to be produced in pairs,
and the estimated separation of particle and antiparticle in such pair
is shown to be in some cases much smaller than the average separation
determined by the averaged number density of considered particles.
If the new U(1) charge is the source of a long range field similar to
electromagnetic field, the particle and antiparticle, possessing that charge,
can form primordial bound
system with annihilation timescale, which can satisfy the conditions,
assumed for this type of UHECR sources. These conditions severely constrain
the possible properties of considered particles.