To the intrinsic magnetism of the Bi 1.08Sn 0.02Sb0.9Te2S topological insulator
V. Sakhin+, E. Kukovitsky+, A. Kiiamov*, R. Khasanov×, Yu. Talanov+, G. Teitel'baum+
+Kazan E. K. Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, 420029 Kazan, Russia
*Institute of Physics, Kazan Federal University, 420008 Kazan, Russia
×Paul Scherrer Institute, 5232 Villigen, Switzerland
Using Electron Spin Resonance spectroscopy together with the Superconducting
Quantum Interference Device magnetometry we found that the
intrinsic magnetic moments, originating from the nonmagnetic structural defects of
Bi1.08Sn0.02Sb0.9Te2S topological insulator form the superparamagnetic
state. It represents an array of nanoscale single domain ferromagnets randomly distributed in
the nonmagnetic meda. Their net magnetic polarization in the absence of external magnetic
field is completely averaged out. Single domain ferromagnetic particles at elevated
temperatures behave magnetically in a manner analogous to the Langevin paramagnetism of
moment bearing atoms. The main distinction is that the moment of the particle may be
102-103 times the atomic moment.