Electronic structure of transition-metal pnictides oxides La3T4As4O2 phase (T = Ni, Cu) from ab-initio calculations
Z. Bendeddouche+, A. Zaoui+, S. Kacimi+, S. Abbaoui+, A. Kadiri+, A. Boukortt*
+Laboratoire de Physique Computationnelle des Matériaux, UniversitéDjillali Liabès de Sidi Bel-Abbès, Sidi Bel-Abbès 22000, Algérie
*Laboratoire d'Elaboration et Caractérisation Physico Mécanique et Métallurgique des Matériaux (ECP3M). Département de Génie Electrique, Facultédes Sciences et de la Technologie, UniversitéAbdel Hamid Ibn Badis de Mostaganem, 27000, Algérie
Electronic structure of the recently synthesized compounds
La3T4As4O2 (T = Ni, Cu) are studied using the ab-initio/
APW + lo method. A careful analysis of band structures and Fermi surfaces via
the Local Density Approximation (LDA), the Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA)
and with the on-site Hubbard Ueff parameter (LDA/GGA + U) was
performed. Calculations show that the GGA perfectly reproduces the ground state
properties such as lattice constants, internal parameters, interatomic distances,
angles, band structures and Fermi surfaces. The relationship between the "1111"
and "122" structure types and "3442" structure is indicated and discussed.
The GGA calculations show that the lattice constants (a0 and c0) satisfy the
inter-growth conditions of the "3442" structure. We found a topological similarity
between the Fermi surfaces of Ni-3442 and Ni-1111 systems, which respect the five
band model.