Complex dynamics of optical solitons interacting with nanoparticles
D. A. Dolinina, A. S. Shalin, A. V. Yulin
ITMO University, 197101 St.-Petersburg, Russia
In this Letter we study the mutual interactions of the
dissipative optical solitons with trapped nanoparticles. It is shown
that the attraction of the nanoparticles to the solitons can result in
the formation of a stable bound state of the solitons with one or more
nanoparticles. It is also found that the trapped nanoparticles, in their
turn, can affect the outcome of the solitons collisions significantly.
In particular it is shown that the collision of the solitons can result
in releasing or redistributing the nanoparticles between the solitons.
The reported effects can potentially be used for optical manipulation of
nanoparticles and pave a way for efficient control over their dynamics.