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VOLUME 112 (2020) | ISSUE 8 | PAGE 499
Search for signs of neutron and proton halos in the isobaric analog excited states of A = 14 nuclei
The isobaric analog states with isospin T = 1 in triplet of the A = 14 nuclei: 14C, 14N, and 14O, are studied. Signs of neutron halo in the 1- (6.09 MeV) state of 14C have been revealed earlier by two groups. We confirm this result and study isobaric analog 1- states of neighboring 14N and 14O nuclei. The differential cross sections of the 14C(α, α)14C* (6.09 MeV, 1-) inelastic scattering, the 13C(3He, d)14N* (8.06 MeV, 1-), and the 14N(3He, t)14O* (5.17 MeV, 1-) reactions are analyzed by two methods: the modified diffraction method and the method of asymptotic normalization coefficients. The rms radii for all three mirror nuclei in the studied 1- states are found almost the same: 2.7\pm0.1 fm for 14C, 2.67\pm0.07 fm for 14N, and 2.6\pm0.2 fm for 14O. The signs of proton halo in the 1- state of 14N are identified for the first time.