Non-stationary spin-polarized tunneling through a quantum dot coupled to noncollinearly polarized ferromagnetic leads
V. N. Luchkin+, V. N. Mantsevich*, N. S. Maslova×
+Moscow State University, Department of Physics, Chair of semiconductors and cryoelectronics, 119991 Moscow, Russia
*Moscow State University, Department of Physics, Chair of semiconductors and cryoelectronics and Quantum technology center, 119991 Moscow, Russia
×Moscow State University, Department of Physics, Chair of quantum electronics and Quantum technology center,
119991 Moscow, Russia
Non-stationary spin-dependent transport through the interacting
single-level quantum dot coupled to ferromagnetic leads
with non-collinear magnetizations was analyzed theoretically. The non-
stationary transport is investigated within
the theoretical approach based on kinetic equations for the electron
numbers with different spins taking into account high order correlation
functions for the localized electrons.
It was demonstrated that spin polarization, direction and amplitude of
the non-stationary currents could be effectively
changed in a rather simple system by varying the relative directions of
the magnetic moments in the leads.
The degree of the currents spin polarization also changes following the
direction of magnetic moments in the leads.
The obtained results open a possibility for spin polarization control in
nanoscale systems and are very promising in the sense of spin filtering.