VOLUME 116 (2022) | ISSUE 3 |
PAGE 179
Minlos-Faddeev regularization of zero-range interactions in the three-body problem
O. I. Kartavtsev, A. V. Malykh
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, Russia
To regularize the three-body problem, Minlos and Faddeev suggested
a modification of zero-range model, which diminishes interaction
at the triple-collision point.
The analysis reveals that this regularization results in four alternatives
depending on the regularization parameter σ .
Explicitly, Efimov or Thomas effects remain for σ < σc ,
the additional boundary conditions of two types should be imposed at
the triple-collision point for and
σe < σ < σr , and the problem is regularized
for .
Critical values σc < σe < σr separating different
alternatives are determined both for a two-component three-body system
and for three identical bosons.