Resonance energy transfer reveals presence of multiple luminescence emission centers within a carbon nanodot
A. A. Astafiev+, A. M. Shakhov+, V. A. Nadtochenko+*
+N. N. Semenov Federal Research Center for Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 119991 Moscow, Russia
*Chemistry Department, Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow, Russia
Carbon nanodots are an emerging class of nanomaterials which exhibit visible
photoluminescence, commonly attributed to luminescent organic groups within their structure. A
question important for understanding luminescence mechanisms and practical applications of carbon
nanodots is if a single nanoparticle can contain several independent luminescent emitters. In this
study we employ resonance energy transfer to study mutual localization of fluorophores in nanodots
solution of low concentration. Measurements of luminescence polarization anisotropy and
photobleaching effects reveal considerable homo- and hetero- resonance energy transfer between
fluorophores and thus demonstrate that several emitters can be comprised within a single
nanoparticle. Energy transfer effects affect luminescent properties of carbon nanodots leading to decrease and
faster decay of emission anisotropy, energy migration and quenching of blue luminescence.