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VOLUME 118 (2023) | ISSUE 1 | PAGE 14
Strong coupling of exciton in organic material and plasmonic WGM localized on the surface of silver nanoparticles
The interaction of plasmonic whispering gallery modes (WGM) on the surface of silver nanospheres with an exciton of the surrounding organic medium has been theoretically studied. DPAVBi (4,4'-bis[4-(di-ptolylamino) styryl]biphenyl) was selected as an organic material due to its high oscillator strength. The results show that for spheres of sufficiently large radii, several plasmon modes can be localized on their surface at once, which makes them possible for strong coupling with an exciton. The calculated spectra confirm that plasmon modes can effectively interact with excitons in the surrounding organic material, which leads to a significant change in both the absorption and emission characteristics of the system. These observations highlight the potential of such hybrid systems for a number of applications in optoelectronics and photonics, making them a promising platform for further research in this area.