Bjorken sum rule with analytic coupling at low Q2 values
I. R. Gabdrakhmanov+, N. A. Gramotkov+, A. V. Kotikov+, D. A. Volkova+*, I. A. Zemlyakov+×
+Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, Russia
*Dubna State University, 141980 Dubna, Russia
×Tomsk State University, 634010 Tomsk, Russia
The experimental data obtained for the polarized Bjorken sum rule
Γp-n1(Q2) for small values of Q2
are approximated by the predictions obtained in the framework of
analytic QCD up to the 5th order perturbation theory, whose coupling
does not contain the Landau pole.
We found an excellent agreement between the experimental data and the
predictions of analytic QCD, as well as a strong difference between
these data and the results obtained in the framework of