On production of heavy charged particles in γγ fusion at planned pp colliders
S. I. Godunov+, E. K. Karkaryan+, V. A. Novikov+, A. N. Rozanov*, M. I. Vysotsky+, E. V. Zhemchugov+
+I. E. Tamm Department of Theoretical Physics, Lebedev Physical Institute, 119991 Moscow, Russia
*Centre de Physique de Particules de Marseille (CPPM), Aix-Marseille Universite, CNRS/IN2P3, 13288 Marseille, France
Production of heavy fermions in ultraperipheral collisions
(pp→ p+γγ+p→ p+χ+χ-+p) and the
semiexclusive reaction
(pp → p+γγ*+X → p+χ+χ-+X) is
considered. Differential and total cross sections for the energies
of the planned pp colliders are presented.