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VOLUME 119 (2024) | ISSUE 2 | PAGE 148
Selective damping of plasmons in coupled two-dimensional systems by Coulomb drag
The Coulomb drag is a many-body effect observed in proximized low-dimensional systems. It appears as emergence of voltage in one of them upon passage of bias current in another. The magnitude of drag voltage can be strongly affected by exchange of plasmonic excitations between the layers; however, the reverse effect of Coulomb drag on properties of plasmons has not been studied. Here, we study the plasmon spectra and damping in parallel two-dimensional systems in the presence of Coulomb drag. We find that Coulomb drag leads to selective damping of one of the two fundamental plasma modes of a coupled bilayer. For identical electron doping of both layers, the drag suppresses the acoustic plasma mode; while for symmetric electron-hole doping of the coupled pair, the drag suppresses the optical plasma mode. The selective damping can be observed both for propagating modes in extended bilayers and for localized plasmons in bilayers confined by source and drain contacts. The discussed effect may provide access to the strength of Coulomb interaction in 2d electron systems from various optical and microwave scattering experimnets.