Refined TMD gluon density in a proton from the HERA and LHC data
A. V. Lipatov+*, G. I. Lykasov*, M. A. Malyshev+×
+Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991 Moscow, Russia
*Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, Russia
×Moscow Aviation Institute, 125993 Moscow, Russia
We update the phenomenological parameters of the Transverse Momentum
Dependent (TMD, or unintegrated)
gluon density in a proton proposed in our previous studies.
This analysis is based on the analytical expression for starting gluon
distribution which provides a self-consistent simultaneous description of
HERA data on proton structure function F2(x,Q2), reduced cross
section for the
electron-proton deep inelastic scattering at low Q2
and soft hadron production in pp collisions at the LHC conditions.
We extend it to the whole kinematical region using the
Catani-Ciafaloni-Fiorani-Marchesini (CCFM) evolution equation.
Exploiting our previous results on a number of semihard QCD processes, we
performed a combined fit
to an extended set of LHC and HERA data, comprising a total of 509
points from 16 data sets.
We illustrate our fit by applying
the derived TMD gluon density in a proton to inclusive prompt photon
photoproduction at HERA.