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VOLUME 77 (2003) | ISSUE 6 | PAGE 335
Effects of the mixture of one- and three-dimensional inhomogeneities on the wave spectrum of superlattices
Dependences of the dispersion laws and damping of waves in an initially sinusoidal superlattice on the dimensionality of inhomogeneities modulating the period of the superlattice are studied. The cases of one- and three- dimensional modulations, as well as modulation by a mixture of inhomogeneities of both of these dimensionalities, are considered. The correlation function of the superlattice K( r) has the form of a product of the same periodic function and a decreasing function that is significantly different for these different cases. The decreasing part of the correlation function for the mixture of inhomogeneities of different dimensionalities has the form of a product of the decreasing parts of the correlation functions of the components of the mixture. This leads to the non-additivity of the contributions of the components of different dimensionalities to the resulting modification of the parameters of the wave spectrum that are due to the inhomogeneities (the damping of waves for the mixture of these components is smaller than the sum of the dampings of the components, the maximum gap in the spectrum corresponds to the simultaneous presence of both components of the mixture, not only of the three-dimensional inhomogeneities).