Metastability and superfluid fraction of the A-like and B phases of 3He in aerogel in zero magnetic field
E. Nazaretski, N. Mulders*, J. M. Parpia
Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics, Cornell University, 14853 Ithaca, NY, USA
*Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Delaware, 19716 Newark, DE, USA
PACS: 64.60.My, 67.57.-z
We report the low frequency sound measurements of
the metastable A-like (A) phase of superfluid 3He confined within a
98% open aerogel matrix in zero magnetic field. The second sound-like
(slow) mode provides an accurate determination
of the superfluid fraction of (and the transition
between) the A and B phases. The A and B
phases exhibit stable coexistence in the presence of disorder, the ratio of
their superfluid fractions, , is much smaller
than that of the bulk A and B phases, and argues that the A* and bulk A
phases are distinct.