Pseudoscalar mesons and their radial excitations from the Effective Chiral Lagrangian
S. M. Fedorov, Yu. A. Simonov1)
Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 117218, Moscow, Russia
PACS: 11.15.Tk, 11.30.Rd, 12.38.-t, 12.39.Fe, 14.40.Aq
Effective Chiral Lagrangian is derived from QCD in the framework
of Field Correlator Method. It contains the effects of both confinement and
chiral symmetry breaking due to a special structure of the resulting quark mass operator. It is
shown that this Lagrangian describes light pseudoscalar mesons, and
Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner relations for pions, eta and K mesons are
reproduced. Spectrum of radial excitations of pions and K mesons is found and compared to
experimentally known masses.