Study of ferroelectric switching by domain-wall induced light scattering
D. V. Isakov, T. R. Volk, L. I. Ivleva+, K. Betzler*, C. David*, A. Tunyagi*, M. Wöhlecke*
Institute of Crystallography RAS, 119333 Moscow, Russia
+General Physics Institute RAS, 117942 Moscow, Russia
*Fachbereich Physik, Universität Osnabrück, D49069 Osnabrück, Germany
PACS: 77.80.Fm; 77.84.Dy; 78.35.+c
Measurements of 90°-scattering of weak laser light are used
to investigate pulsed domain switching in ferroelectrics. The studies were
performed on Strontium-Barium Niobate (SBN) single crystals. A good agreement
of the switching parameters estimated from the optical measurements with
those obtained by means of conventional electrical methods proves the
validity of the optical method for switching studies. Due to the limited
scattering volume in all three spatial dimensions the method facilitates a
local probing of the switching within the crystal bulk. Particularly, local
specialities of the domain density can be detected. Furthermore, the
excellent time resolution inherent to optical probing techniques allows
for a comprehensive study of the dynamics.