Stability of Bose system in Bose-Fermi mixture with attraction between bosons and fermions
S. T. Chui, V. N. Ryzhov+, E. E. Tareyeva+
Bartol Research Institute, University of Delaware, DE 19716 Newark, USA
+Institute for High Pressure Physics RAS, 142190 Troitsk, Moscow region, Russia
PACS: 03.75.Fi, 67.57.Fg, 67.90.+z
An effective Hamiltonian for the Bose system in the
mixture of ultracold atomic clouds of bosons and fermions is
obtained by integrating out the Fermi degrees of freedom. An
instability of the Bose system is found in the case of attractive
interaction between components in good agreement with the
experiment on the bosonic 87Rb and fermionic 40K