Pentaquark decay is suppressed by chirality conservation
B. L. Ioffe, A. G. Oganesian
Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 117218 Moscow,Russia
PACS: 12.38.-t, 12.39.-x
It is shown, that if the pentaquark baryon can be represented by the local quark current
ηΘ, its decay Θ+ → n K+ (p K0) is
forbidden in the limit of chirality conservation. The
Θ+decay width Γ is proportional to , where , q = u,d,s is quark condensate,
and, therefore, is strongly suppressed. The polarization operator
of the pentaquark current is calculated using the operator product
expansion. The Θ+ mass found by the QCD sum rules method
is in a reasonable agreement with experiment.