Stripes and superconductivity in one-dimensional self-consistent model
S. I. Matveenko
Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics RAS, 119334 Moscow, Russia
PACS: 64.60.-i, 71.10.Fd, 71.27.+a, 74.72.-h
We show that many observable properties of
high temperature superconductors can be obtained in the frameworks
of one-dimensional self-consistent model with included
superconducting correlations. Analytical solutions for spin,
charge and superconductivity order parameters are found.
The ground state of the model at low hole doping
is a spin-charge solitonic superstructure.
Increasing of doping leads to the phase transition to superconducting
phase. There is a region of doping where superconductivity,
spin density wave and charged stripe structure coexist.
The charge density modulation presents in the vicinity of vortices
(kinks in the 1D model) in the superconducting state.