Equation of state and structural phase transition in FeBO3 at high pressure
A. G. Gavriliuk, I. A. Trojan, R. Boehler+, M. Eremets+, A. Zerr*, I. S. Lyubutin, V. A. Sarkisyan
Institute for High Pressure Physics RAS, 142190 Troitsk, Moscow reg., Russia +Max-Planck Institut fuer Chemie, 55020 Mainz, Germany *Technische Universität Darmstadt, FB Material- und Geowissenschaften, FG Disperse Feststoffe, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany A. V. Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography RAS, 117333 Moscow, Russia
PACS: 61.50.Ks, 64.60.-i, 64.70.Kb
Evolution of X-ray diffraction patterns in FeBO3 under high
pressures up to 63 GPa has been investigated at room temperature in a
diamond anvil cell. A structural phase transition at pressure of GPa was found for the first time. The transition is of the first- order
type with the hysteresisless drop of the reduced unit cell volume of about
8.6%. Apparently, the transition is isostructural. At pressures below the
transition, the equation of state for FeBO3 was fitted.
In approximation of the third order Birch-Murnagan equation of state, the
bulk modulus K and its first pressure derivative K' were found to be
GPa and , respectively.