Excitations in quantum hall ferromagnet with strong Coulomb interaction
S. V. Iordanski, A. Kashuba
L. D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics RAS, 117334 Moscow, Russia
PACS: 71.27.+a, 73.43.-f
Quantum Hall ferromagnet is considered at integer fillings ν
provided typical Coulomb interaction energy Ec is large compared
to the cyclotron energy ωH. Low energy collective modes
consist of magnetoplasmon exciton and gapeless spin exciton. All
charged excitations have a gap. The activation energy gap for a pair
of charged topological excitations - skyrmion and antiskyrmion - is
small Δ = νωH. Electric charge of skyrmion is multiple
q=eν Q, where Q is the integer topological charge.