On the Aizenman exponent in critical percolation
L. N. Shchur, T. Rostunov
Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics RAS, 142432 Chernogolovka, Russia
PACS: 02.70.-c, 05.50.+q, 64.60.Ak, 75.10.-b
The probabilities that clusters span a hypercube of dimensions two
to seven along one axis of a percolation system under criticality were
investigated numerically. We used a modified Hoshen-Kopelman algorithm
combined with Grassberger's "go with the winner" strategy for the site
percolation. We performed a finite-size analysis of the data and found that
the probabilities confirm Aizenman's proposal for the multiplicity exponent
for dimensions three to five. A crossover to the mean-field behavior around
the upper critical dimension is also discussed.