Nuclear Stochastic Resonance
V. P. Berezovoj+, Yu. L. Bolotin+, A. P. Dzyubak+, V. V. Yanovsky+*, A. V. Zhiglo+
+National Science Center "Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology", 61108, Kharkov, Ukraine
*Institute for Single Crystals, 61001, Kharkov, Ukraine
PACS: 05.40.+j, 25.85.-w
Fission decay of highly excited periodically driven compound
nuclei is considered in the framework of Langevin approach. We
used residual-time distribution (RTD) as a tool for studying
the dynamic features in the presence of periodic perturbation.
The structure of RTD essentially depends on the relation between
Kramers decay rate and the frequency ω of periodic
perturbation. In particular, the intensity of the first peak in
RTD has a sharp maximum at certain nuclear temperature depending
on ω. This maximum should be considered as first-hand
manifestation of stochastic resonance in nuclear