Charged Frenkel biexcitons in organic molecular crystals
V. M. Agranovich, O. A. Dubovsky, A. M. Kamchatnov
Institute of Spectroscopy RAS, 142190 Troitsk, Moscow Reg., Russia
PACS: 73.20.Mf, 78.66.Qn
It is known that the energy of the lowest electronic transition in
neutral molecules of anthracene, tetracene and other polyacenes is
blue shifted in comparison with the corresponding transition
energy in mono-valent molecular ions. This effect in molecular
crystal may be responsible for the attraction between molecular
(Frenkel) exciton and charge carrier. Due to
this attraction the bound state of Frenkel exciton
and free charge (charged Frenkel exciton) may be formed [ABB].
As we demonstrate below,
the same mechanism can be responsible for formation of charged biexciton
(bound state of two Frenkel excitons and a charge carrier).
One-dimensional lattice
model is used which corresponds to J-aggregates and is also a good
approximation for quasi-one-dimensional crystals. Calculations are performed
for molecular crystals like tetracene where at low temperature the exciton
band is much narrower than that of the charge carrier.