Tunneling conductivity features of the new reconstructed phases on the GaN (0001) surface
N. S. Maslova+, V. I. Panov+, K. Wu*, Q. Z. Xue*, T. Nagao*, A. I. Oreshkin+*
+Physical department, Moscow State University, 119992 Moscow, Russia
*Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8577, Japan
PACS: 61.16.-d, 71.70.Gm
Two new Au-induced reconstructed phases on the GaN
(0001) surface have been found out and investigated by STM/STS
method. Ring-like and c(2×12) surface nanostructures were observed
on STM images. The commensurate c(2×12) structure (α-phase)
according to our spectroscopic measurements demonstrates
properties of 1D system whereas the incommensurate β-phase
looks similar to disordered 2D system.