Observation of tensor glueball in the reactions 
V. V. Anisovich, A. V. Sarantsev
Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute RAS, 188300 Gatchina, Russia
PACS: 12.38.-t, 12.39.-MK, 14.40.-n
Partial wave analysis of the reactions in the region of invariant masses
1900-2400 MeV indicates to the existence of
four relatively narrow
tensor-isoscalar resonances
f2(1920), f2(2020), f2(2240), f2(2300) and the
broad state f2(2000). The determined decay couplings
of the broad resonance
f2(2000)→π0π0,ηη, ηη' satisfy the relations
appropriate to those of tensor glueball, while the couplings of other
tensor states do not, thus verifying the glueball nature of