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VOLUME 70 (1999) | ISSUE 3 | PAGE 167
Improvement of perturbation theory in QCD for e+e-hadrons and the problem of αs freezing
We develope the method of improvement of perturbative theory in QCD, applied to any polarization operator. The case of polarization operator H{q2)t corresponding to the process e+e- -^hadrons is considered in details. Using the analytical properties of Π(ς2) and perturbative expansion of П(д2) at q2 < 0, imll(q2) at q2 > 0 is determined in such a way, that the infared pole is eliminated. The convergence of perturbative series for R{q2) = σ(β+β~ hadrons)/(e+e~ -> μ+μ~) is improved. After substitution of R(q2) into dispersion relation the improved Adler function D(q2) with no infrared pole and frozen a3(q2) has been obtained. A good agreement with experiment has been achieved.