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VOLUME 70 (1999) | ISSUE 3 | PAGE 171
On a possibility of observation of neutron electric polarizability
A new method to set a lower or upper limit a* of the neutron electric polarizability an is proposed. It is based on the fact that the real part of the j-wave scattering amplitude changes its sign near the s-wave neutron resonance at Ε = Ε*. The methods consist of the observation of the energy behaviour of the forward backward scattering asymmetry uj\ that experiences a jump at Ε = 2£*. If for the jump, άωι/dE > 0,an > a*, if άωι/dE < 0, an < ot„ and an ~ aj if άωι/dE ~ 0. Seven even-even nuclei are found with a* from 0.5 to 3.1 in 10-3fm3. Some details of a possible experiment with 182W are described.