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VOLUME 70 (1999) | ISSUE 11 | PAGE 759
The widths of single particle states of anisotropic strongly correlated electron systems in solids
The damping 7(e) of electron states in crystals is investigated beyond the phase transition point related to a rearrangement of the Fermi surface. The attention is focused on the alteration of the standard Landau theory due to the emergence of a flat portion in spectrum ξ(ρ) of the single particle excitations triggered by the rearrangement. In the limit e -> 0, the width 7(e) of the states in the region of the Brillouin zone, where the dispersion of ξ(ρ) has an ordinary order of value is found to depend on ε almost linearly in contrast to the Fermi-liquid-theory result у (ε) ~ ε2.