Precocious asymptopia for charm from the running BFKL
Nikolaev N.N., Zoller V.R.
PACS: 12.38.-t, 13.60.-r
The running BFKL equation gives rise to a series of moving poles in the complex j-plane. Corresponding eigenfunctions (color dipole cross sections) are the oscillating functions of the color dipole size r. The first nodes for all sub-leading solutions (color dipole cross sections) accumulate at ri ~ 0.1 fm. Therefore the processes dominated by the dipole sizes r ~ ri are free of sub-leading BFKL corrections. A practically important example the leptoproduction of charm. In a wide range of Q2 the calculated F|c(z, Q2) is exhausted by the leading BFKL pole and gives a perfect description of the experimental data.