VOLUME 69 (1999) | ISSUE 7 |
PAGE 474
Universality in effective strings
Jaimungal S., Semenoff G.W., Zarembo K.
PACS: 11.10.Kk, 11.25.Pm, 11.27.+d
We demonstrate that, due to the finite thickness of domain walls, and the consequent ambiguity in defining their locations, the effective string description obtained by integrating out bulk degrees of freedom contains ambiguities in the coefficients of the various geometric terms. The only term with unambiguous coefficient is the zeroth order Nambu Goto term. We argue that fermionic ghost fields which implement gauge-fixing act to balance these ambiguities. The renormalized string tension, obtained after integrating out both bulk and world-sheet degrees of freedom, can be denned in a scheme independent manner; and we compute the explicit finite expressions, to one-loop, for the case of compact quantum electrodynamics and φΑ theory.