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VOLUME 69 (1999) | ISSUE 12 | PAGE 885
X-ray spectroscopy of thermally distorted electronic states in crystals
We suggest a new type of X-ray spectroscopy which allows to detect the thermal-motion-induced distortions of atomic electronic states in crystals. We show that those distortions can cause extra Bragg reflections (so-called forbidden reflections) and their intensity should grow with temperature increasing. The reason is that the thermal displacements, changing the symmetry of atomic environment, can modify the tensor amplitude of X-ray resonant scattering. In the first approximation, the structure factor of extra reflections is proportional to the reflection vector Η and to the mean-square thermal displacement ЩЩ for optical phonons. We demonstrate that the forbidden resonant reflections, observed recently in Ge, could be caused by the thermal motion.